Vendor Management is used to manage vendors and merchants selling goods and services at your League’s market event. With Vendor Management, a vendor can create a portal account, submit an event application, pay fees, and purchase add-ons for an event. The League can choose to accept or not accept a vendor for the event. 

You must have Vendor Management Administrator to access Vendor Management.

Review Checklists

  1. In Admin > Member Management, find Vendor Management
  2. To see the available checklists, click on the "+" button
  3. There are four available versions that will appear when you select a checklist name. See Review Checklists

Create a Vendor Application Form 
  1. Create a Vendor application form in Admin > Member Management > Form Builder. To create a form, see Form Builder - Step by Step
  2. In the Set Up, set Public? to No. Please make sure this is set to No. If it is set to Yes, the Application Form step will not be checked off.
  3. Then, on the bottom, there is a Form Confirmation section. Below Destination URL, add so that when your Vendors submit a form, they will be redirected back to the homepage.

Create an Additional Form

If the checklist you selected has a step with an Additional Form, create another form using the same steps from the previous

Create an Event

Create the event such as Holiday Market. You can only have one event open at a time. See Create an Event for Vendors

Create Items for the Event

Create Items for Vendors to purchase for your League's event or market. They can be items such as Corner Booth, Center Aisle Booth, Booth Fee, Deposit, Wifi, Trash Bin, etc. See Create Items for an Event

Share the Event

When you're ready to accept Vendors, you can send a link where they can create a profile. 

  1. To make the application form for this event available to Vendors, you can select the share icon. 
  2. A popup will appear with a link. Copy the link. 
  3. You can share the link on your Public Site, email announcement, Member Portal homepage, etc. 

Take note, the share icon will only appear under the Actions column if the event is “current.” 

  • Returning Merchants
    • Please have them log in to their existing Merchant Profile at They do not need to create a second account. 
  • New Merchants
    • Send the share link to new merchants to create a new profile.

Manage Vendors

On the Manage Vendors page, you will see a list of all the Vendors who applied to your event. You can manage their application by doing the following:

  • Deliberation
    • After your Vendors start applying for your event, you will be able set a deliberation status for their application such as Pending, Maybe/Waitlist, Accepted, etc. See Deliberation
  • Assign a Booth
    • Assign a booth number to Vendors that will let them know where they will be located during the event. See Assign a Booth
  • Charge Items
    • Choose which Items to charge the Vendor after they submit their application. See Charge Items to Vendors. They can also be charged Items after they complete all the steps. 

Enter Manual Payments on Behalf of a Vendor

There migh be instances when Vendors pay offline outside of the application form. You can make a payment on their behalf and set the Payment Type to Cash, Check, Other or Credit. See Enter Manual Payments on Behalf of a Vendor