This article discusses using a tool that allows you to assign statuses to multiple members as a batch.

Required Access

You will need the Member Administrator or Administrator access level.

Where to go:

  1. Go to Admin > Member Management
  2. Find Status Mass Assign 

Steps to be taken:

  1. Use the search bar labeled Pick One or More Accounts to select the members that you would like to assign a status to (Note: you may also use the filtering options (status and position) found at the top of the page in order to narrow down the member search)
  2. After you press Filter, when you click on the Pick and Search more accounts search bar, the list of members will automatically be narrowed down based on the filters you set.
  3. Notice that when a member is selected, their information will be populated into the Selected Members field. From this field, you can view a member's basic information including Member Number, Name, Email Address, Current Status, as well as their Effective Date.
  4. This lets you select Member names one by one. If you want a way to select all names, see Mass Assign Status from the Query Tool
  5. Use the Status to Add section to configure the status assignment and the configuration options below:
    • Status - Designate which status is to be assigned to the selected members.
    • Effective Date - This will determine when the assigned status is to become effective.
    • Reason for Change - Use this dropdown to specify the reason for the status change. 
    • Comments  - This text field can be used to include any additional notes pertaining to the status change.
  6. Select Submit to finalize the assignment. The refresh rate for updated member statuses is overnight.